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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
Winter Walking

Are you looking for an opportunity to walk in a dry, safe, well-lit place? The hallways of Skowhegan Area High School are available from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and are a good place to walk this fall.
· You must register with Skowhegan Area Adult Education and sign in and out every time you attend. A roster will be available at the adult education office.
· Please respect the facility by changing into a clean and appropriate pair of indoor walking shoes.
· Please stay in the areas designated for walking.
· Please walk, not run.
· Listen for school cancellation announcements – if school or after school activities are canceled, there will be no walking.
· No walking on holidays or during school vacations.
· If you have a medical condition or have not seen a health care provider in the past year, we strongly recommend that you do so before increasing your physical activity.
· A person choosing to be involved in this walking program does so at his or her own risk.
Monday through Thursday 1/6/25 – 3/27/25
5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Chair Yoga
with Desiree Kelley

Chair Yoga incorporates elements from traditional yoga including breathing techniques, meditation and physical postures while sitting in a chair or using a chair for balance.
Performing yoga in a chair provides extra support for individuals looking for a gentle practice who may have mobility issues or injuries. Benefits of chair yoga include increased strength and mobility, increased flexibility and stress reduction.
No class on 4/22/25
Will run