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Adult Basic Education
in Literacy
Tech Spot - Bingham Location
with Amy Haynes

NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Walk-ins welcome, Monday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Tuesday 12:00-5:00 p.m.
The Tech Spot is a School and Community Project that offers technology advice and tutoring to adults from throughout our school district.
Examples of possible help sessions include general computer operation, conducting web searches, using Facebook and other social media programs, and operating Smart phones, iPads, Tablets, and PCs. Assistance with some software applications such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) is available as well.
FMI please call the Adult Education office at 474-7553.
Project partners include RSU 54 Adult & Community Education, Town of Skowhegan, and the Somerset Economic Development.
Community Academy Language Arts & Math
with Alan Haley

Achieve additional academic knowledge and skills required to pursue a full range of career, secondary and post-secondary opportunities. This course helps students prepare for and complete required training, education, and certification nevessary for employment.
Instruction emphasizes language arts and math skills. If you are preparing to take the high school equivalency test (HiSET), working on a traditional high school diploma, or studying to improve CASAS scores, this class is for you.
Reading and Writing Skills for College Prep
with Jeremy Lehan

If you are planning to take or are currently enrolled in a college reading or writing class, this class is for you.
Reading/Writing Skills will help students improve reading comprehension and critical analysis; in addition, it will cover the grammar and writing skills that are required for success in college level courses.
Will run
Algebra and Number Skills: Online College Support
with January Hapworth

Note: This class will be offered virtually through a combination of email, texting, Zoom, and/or online learning. Students may occasionally be required to come to Skowhegan Area High School for testing. A math CASAS score of 225 or above is recommended for this class.
These online tutoring sessions will help support students who are enrolled or are prepariung to enroll in Algebra I and/or entry-level college math.
Sessions must be scheduled with the instructor. Contact the Adult Education office at 207-474-7553 for more details.
Reading and Writing Skills: Online College Support
with Heather Toth

Note: This class will be offered virtually through a combination of email, texting, Zoom, and/or online learning. Students may occasionally be required to come to Skowhegan Area High School for testing.
These online tutoring sessions will help support students who are enrolled or are prepariung to enroll in college reading or writing classes.
Sessions must be scheduled with the instructor on Tuesday only. Contact the Adult Education office at 207-474-7553 for more details.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Online Intermediate
with Lisa Padulo

Note: This class will be offered virtually through Zoom. Students will occasionally be required to come to Skowhegan Area High School for testing.
This class assists students who are not native English speakers to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Instruction is designed to meet learners’ needs and can include helping participants with such important tasks as exploring how to talk with their child’s teacher, scheduling healthcare appointments, completing grocery shopping, obtaining a driver’s license, finding employment or learning about other valuable community resources.
Students can enter the class at any time and there is no charge for instruction. This class is designed for intermediate to more advanced students.
Intermediate: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
For more information, please call 474-7553.
Will run
ESOL for Beginners: In Person
with Nina Pleasants

Note: This class will be offered in person at Skowhegan Area High School.
This class assists students who are not native English speakers in developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Instruction will be most appropriate for those who are at a beginner or intermediate level of English proficiency.
Beginners: 5:30pm to 7:00pm
For more information, please call 474-7553.
Life Skills
with Jean Philpot

In this class, especially designed for adults with learning challenges, students will enhance everyday life skills by improving their basic reading, writing, and problem-solving proficiencies.
Participants will work toward developing customer service, teamwork, and business skills by operating a small café.
Learners set their own individualized goals and work toward them in a safe, nurturing, and creative environment. Contact the Adult Education office for additional information.